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[비즈니스 영어표현] 022. With That (Being) Said : 앞서 말했듯이

미국 라이프/비즈니스 영어표현 2023. 7. 26.



With that said는 일상생활뿐 아니라 회사에서도 자주 볼 수 있는 표현입니다. ‘그렇게 말하긴 했지만’, ‘앞서 얘기되었듯’이라는 뜻으로 전에 말했던 내용과 연관된 내용 혹은 반대되는 내용이 이어질때 쓸 수 있는 용어입니다. Bering을 생략하여 With That Said로 쓰일 수 있습니다.


회사에서 고객 설문조사를 진행하였는데, 제품 포장에 대한 불만이 나왔습니다. 아래 대화를 볼까요? 


정사장: “The latest customer survey reveals that our product’s performance is well received, but there are concerns about its packaging. With that said, we should invest in eco-friendly and more visually appealing packaging”
김팀장: “Agreed. With that said, we should also communicate our sustainable packaging efforts to customers as part of our brand’s commitment to environmental responsibility.”



출처 <imgflip.com>



  • The team has been putting in extra hours to meet the project deadline, and with that said, I think it’s essential to acknowledge their hard work and consider providing some extra incentives.
  • Our sales figures for the last quarter were impressive, and with that said, we need to build on that success by expanding our sales team to cover new territories.
  • The new software implementation has improved our internal processes significantly, and with that said, we should now focus on training our staff to fully utilize its capabilities.


Put in: (많은 시간/노력을) 쏟다
Acknowledge: 인정하다, 감사를 표하다 
Implementation: 시행
Significantly: 상당히, 중요하게
Capability: 능력, 역량



동의어로는 nontherless, nevertheless, however 등이 있습니다. 
