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[비즈니스 영어표현] 023. Come Across : ~처럼 보이다.

미국 라이프/비즈니스 영어표현 2023. 8. 18.



Come Across는 ‘~와 우연히 마주치다’로 많이 외워졌었던 표현입니다. 하지만 실생활에서는 어구 끝에 ‘as’와 같이 쓰여 ‘~처럼 보이다’ 혹은 ‘~이라는 인상을 주다’라는 뜻으로 더 자주 쓰입니다. 아래 대화내용에서 뜻을 더 자세히 알아볼까요?


최근에 주주총회 담당자였던 아래 두 담당자의 대화내용을 볼까요?

정 과장: “I feel like we could have done a better job. I’m not sure how we came across to the investors?” 
김 과장: “I understand what you mean. I think we did fine, but there’s always room for improvement. I noticed that some of the investors seemed a bit skeptical during the Q&A session. I wonder if we came across as knowledgeable enough about our competitors.”



출처 <convenient english>



  • In our marketing campaign, we want to come across as innovative and customer-centric to attract tech-savvy consunmers.
  • During the presentation, the CEO came across as confident and well-prepared, earning the trust of potential investors.
  • When responding to customer complaints, it’s essential to come across as empathetic and understanding to build strong relationships.
  • The company’s website should come across as professional and user-friendly to install confidence in potential clients. 


Customer-centric: 고객중심의
Tech-savvy: 최신 기술에 능한
Well-prepared: 잘 준비된
Install confidence: 신뢰를 심다/주다




동의어로는 appear, present, reflect 등이 있습니다. 
